Calm Your Crohn’s & Colitis

Bespoke dietary support for inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a condition close to my heart, and after spending 25 years researching the ‘best’ dietary strategies and using this on myself and with my IBD patients, I am excited to offer a unique dietary approach to complement your current IBD treatment.

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis present many food challenges and I have developed a research-led balanced approach to managing flares, extending remission periods and for helping you through tests such as endoscopies.

This is no ‘one size fits all’ dietary plan - it balances the latest research with your medical condition, medications and food preferences to offer you better control over your body for the long term.

I have developed a 4 stage CALM structure to:

  • calm your flares with dietary changes

  • assess your triggers to reduce future flares

  • learn to confidently reintroduce foods so you can enjoy eating again

  • maintain your remission periods for longer

Keen to discover more? Book a free call so we can chat about how you may benefit from a unique approach for long term IBD diet support

“First do no harm”

This is the principle of natural medicine. By eating real foods with research-backed benefits specific to IBD, Crohn’s and colitis patients have a safe way to support their bodies during times of flare as well as extending their periods of remission.

I use a structured 4 stage approach to take you from flare up, through medical investigations and on to remission maintenance, fully supported with meal plans, recipes and personalised resources for each stage.

  • C - Calm & Control Symptoms

  • A - Assessment & Analysis

  • L - Learn how to confidently reintroduce foods and enjoy eating again

  • M - Maintain remission

Phase 1:

Calm & Control Symptoms

Designed to calm your current symptoms with specific dietary changes


  • 1 hour 1:1 consultation

  • 40 minute follow up

  • Weekly check in

  • CoBiome gut test and analysis*

  • Symptom Control Dietary Plan

  • Recipes and shopping lists

  • Discounted supplements

  • Personalised resources

    *test payable directly

Phase 3:


Once the body is more stable and less reactive, we can start to systematically introduce a wider range of foods to promote long term remission and better health


  • Monthly 1:1 consultation

  • Regular message check ins

  • Pathology analysis*

  • Diverse Dietary Plan

  • Recipes and shopping lists

  • Discounted supplements

  • Personalised resources

    *Medicare or private blood testing

Phase 2:

Assessment & Analysis

Bespoke dietary changes based on your assessment to address nutrient deficiencies and promote gut repair to stabilise the body


  • Monthly 1:1 consultation

  • Regular message check ins

  • Pathology analysis*

  • Step by Step Dietary Plan

  • Recipes and shopping lists

  • Discounted supplements

  • Personalised resources

    *Medicare or private blood testing

Phase 4:


As you learn what works for your body, we will identify a long term approach to eating that allows for all the joys of eating socially while still reducing the risk of flares


  • Bi-monthly 1:1 consultation

  • Pathology analysis*

  • Long term Dietary Plan

  • Recipes and shopping lists

  • Discounted supplements

  • Personalised resources

    *Medicare or private blood testing

Introductory Pricing

$750 for 3 months

  • Are you newly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease?

    Whether you’re newly diagnosed or been suffering for a while, my Calm program can help you feel better

  • How can diet help your colitis or Crohn's Disease flare ups?

    Eating can be a real challenge during flares so having a clear dietary plan for these times may help reduce the symptoms and allow you to recover more quickly

  • Did you know diet can help your IBD during flare ups and remission?

    Food is information for the body. Discover which foods can help you a different times, and which foods don’t work for your unique body with my Calm program

  • Are you worried about what to eat?

    Being confident that the food you eat will help, not harm, your gut is a key strategy in helping manage your IBD

  • Are you worried about side effects from medications?

    Medications can be wonderful tools for chronic disease but they may deplete specific nutrients. I work alongside your conventional treatment using evidence-based food recommendations to ensure you have the right levels of nutrients