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If you have a question, or unsure how nutrition can help you, pop your details below and we will get back to you.

Also access a free recipe book with great ideas for breakfast.

What is a nutritionist? How can a nutritionst help me lose weight? Who is the best weight loss nutritionist Sydney? What is a metabolic balance diet plan? Who is the best nutritionist near me?

0422 987 071

Mosman, 2088, NSW Australia


  • No! I see people with and without medical diagnoses, and can work in partnership with other health professionals to deliver the best results for you.

    I will always refer back to Medicare if indicated.

  • Yes. However, as a holistic nutritionist I find that most of my patients get much better results with a longer term approach. For this reason I offer flexible support packages starting at 3 appointments. However, I understand that occasionally a single appointment might be all it takes, so let’s discuss your particular needs and find the right solution for your health needs.

  • I am registered with major health funds, but Medicare do not currently offer rebates for nutrition.

  • My SIBO/ IBS and Metabolic Balance plans offer a list of food suggestions, and I do offer recipe books to support these diet programs.

    For other patients, I don’t typically give you a specific menu to follow. I find most clients need to make adjustments to their own dietary habits by adding or swapping foods or quantities. This makes dietary change much more manageable for long term success, especially for family eating.

  • I have treated children, but my preferred age range is 12 and over.

  • Yes! Weight loss coaching is made as easy as possible through my signature personalised weight loss program designed to balance your metabolism and achieve long term successful weight loss. We focus on developing good habits and the weight loss is the side effect of better health! Weight loss coaching is an important part of the metabolic balance diet program.

  • My goal is always to upskill you so you don’t need me! Typically, patients work with me for around 4-6 months to resolve a specific issue. This usually takes 5-6 appointments.

    However, many patients work with me long term for weight loss coaching, chronic disease management and to stay accountable for their diet changes

  • Yes. I can refer to your local pathology lab for appropriate testing without needing a GP referral.

    Some tests can be done at home, including saliva and stool tests. Results will be shared with your GP with your permission.

  • There may be some overlap, but Nutritionists take a holistic approach to your health, and seek to uncover the root cause of your condition. We usually work with private clients as 1:1 patients. I don’t focus on calories or tracking macro nutrients, preferring a deeper focus on micro nutrients and imbalances, as well as personalised diet coaching to deliver you optimal results.

“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

Get in touch today and let us show you how holistic nutrition coaching can help you for the long term.

are you sick of feeling tired, low energy, and want to balance blood sugar, reverse insulin resistance through diet, reduce inflammation with diet, alongside holistic nutrition coaching, get in touch

“I thought I was eating ‘healthily’ but my liver tests were showing problems. Catharine helped me change my diet to bring my results back into optimal range and I feel 10 years younger!”

— N.R., Male Metabolic Balance program client

Man sitting with laptop looking at blood test results for better health